Monday, November 27, 2006

Auctions sucks

Well the house we put in a bid for 2 weeks ago got sold Saturday for $6000.00 less then what we offered (found out from the news paper)......I don't know if we should be happy about this or sad for the vendors.......just figured out why the real estate guy called me Saturday and asked how far away we were from the auction.

For some reason he did not seem to impressed when I told him we had bought elsewhere.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Yeah we got accepted.......

Yes someone finally accepted our offer.....we are now the proud home owners...........that means when settlement happends we or should I say the bank owns a beautiful house............which I have named the house of brown as everything is brown. But who cares we love it............yes yes Im a home owner..........ok so that should be we are home owners....can't forget he is buying it with me.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Buying a home

What a nightmare..............All these house you have to see first and when you find one you like you have to put in a bid...........then you have to wait until the real estate comes back to you with no they want to go to Auction......don't these people understand I don't want to go to Auction if I had wanted to I wouldn't have put in a bid before the Auction.

NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!